Foot Update #2

MRI results:

Multilevel mild to moderate degenerative changes are present within the lumbar spine, with level by level analysis outlined above.

MRI Lumbar Spine Noncontrast:


Radiographs are referenced

Conus medullaris is normal in morphology and terminates at the T12-L1 level.
Lumbar spine vertebral body heights are preserved. No acute marrow edema.
There are small, chronic Schmorl’s nodes at the inferior L1 and L4 endplates.
Mild accentuation of lower lumbar lordosis, without evidence of significant subluxation.

L1-2:Right paracentral disc protrusion slightly effaces the ventral aspect of the traversing right L2 nerve root. Otherwise, no significant stenosis.

L2-3:No significant stenosis

L3-4:Disc bulge without significant stenosis.

L4-5:Disc bulge and small superimposed central protrusion. Mild ventral thecal sac effacement, as well as mild bilateral subarticular stenosis, with crowding of bilateral traversing L5 nerve roots. There is bilateral facet hypertrophy and moderate right,
mild/moderate left foraminal stenosis.

L5-S1:Broad-based disc bulge. There is a right paracentral annular fissure. Bilateral facet hypertrophy and mild bilateral foraminal stenosis.

DH found this Cleveland Clinic webpage about that last thing:

So… that is exactly my symptom.  From what I understand (but I could be wrong), the foraminal stenosis affects a nerve in my back which affects a nerve in my foot which makes the left side of my left foot itch/tingle.

I’ve been referred to a pain specialist, but the earliest available was late May.  So far the inserts don’t seem to be doing anything, but it’s supposed to take 6-8 weeks for them to work.

Update on my itchy foot

After being blown off by my “put lotion on it” GP, I went to a podiatrist.

The podiatrist narrowed it down to something bothering my plantar nerve and took x-rays in case it’s a back nerve issue (apparently back problems cause foot nerve problems?).  He prescribed some shoe inserts.  He was really nice and explained all the things it could be and said I definitely wasn’t crazy and lots of times people are afraid of seeming crazy so they put off nerve problems until they’re really far gone.  He didn’t think it was likely that a lipoma was pressing against a nerve, but did think it sounded like I might have a back problem since the foot itching happens when my knee is bent, so had me get x-rays.

The x-rays came back with a “back nerve issue”– no details in the email, just that I’m going to need an MRI.  I’ve been referred for that and to a “pain specialist” though do I have pain?  Does my back always hurt and I’m just used to it?  Is itching pain?

Based on the email (the MRI/pain management), DH thinks it’s a disc problem.  I assume one of these days the actual information will get uploaded to the test results section of my online portal.

Update:  The radiology xray report got uploaded.
Minimal lumbar spondylosis with no acute osseous abnormality identified.
FINDINGS: 5 lumbar type vertebra are present. No evidence of fracture or acute subluxation is identified. Minimal degenerative disc disease and facet joint osteoarthritis. Vertebral body heights and spinal alignment maintained.

MRI is scheduled for Saturday.
