Ask the grumpies: Books for a college kid?

Steph asks:

… I need to figure out more books and how to get them in time for Christmas!  If you have thoughts for college-age boys, I’m all ears! I know one for sure likes fantasy, I tend to give scifi/fantasy to the others just out of habit because it’s the main fiction that I read.

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Do they have the Children of Blood and Bone series?

The Last Graduate series by Naomi Novak was also really good.

DC1 says hir friends’ book club is currently reading the Kite Runner.  Zie isn’t sure that they actually enjoy reading any of the books in the club.

DC2 (age 11) recommends Welcome to the Night Vale.

DC2 also notes that everyone loves Randall Munroe books.

You could also go with quick and easy cookbooks, or anything that’s a comic book. (Breaking cat news!)

Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman has a lot of life changing insights in it.  Willpower is another good one, though not quite as easy a read.

Oh, and of course everyone loves Murderbot.

And everyone loves John Scalzi.

You probably know all of these though, and have perhaps given some in previous years.

Grumpy Nation– What books do you recommend for college students?

RBOChristmas gifts again

  • DH’s sister (SIL) has been trying out different rules for Christmas gift giving.
  • Year 1, there was a lottery where everyone in the family pulled out one name.  That was breached immediately by a lot of people.
  • Year 2, we suggested that we just do kids.  The first thought was to pull lottery-style for just the kids, but then we realized we would always be pulling her kids and no other kids since she’s got 4 and the other set of us each has two.  But we liked buying things for BIL’s kids because they are nerds and often we’d end up exchanging the exact same book on how to draw chibi characters and stuff like that.  So we suggested getting rid of the lottery entirely and just purchasing for kids–she would be purchasing the same number of gifts either way (4) and we would get to shop for DH’s brother’s kids too.
  • What this meant was we no longer exchanged gifts with SIL or her husband which was great because we had no idea what to get him (so always went with a gift card) and she didn’t enjoy buying things I wanted.  Just very different tastes.  (I did like getting school supplies off her wishlist for her class though– better than donors choose!)
  • DH still exchanged gifts with his brother (BIL) and we still bought gifts for his parents (MIL/FIL).  We just didn’t tell SIL about that.
  • Sadly it also meant that BIL’s wife and I no longer exchanged gifts.  Which is a shame because she has EXCELLENT taste and I loved getting her things off her wishlist that I’d enjoyed or were from authors that I wanted to support.  Years went by where I looked sadly through her list and added things to mine based on some of her additions, but was prohibited from buying for her.  And MIL/her parents didn’t buy nerd books but would choose hobby items because that’s more what MIL/her mom is interested in.  Excellent books that she should own built up over the years.
  • Other than the wistfully not getting things for BIL’s wife, I thought that buying only gifts for SIL’s kids and then DH buying whatever he wanted for his brother and parents (and vice versa) worked out both in Year 2 and Year 3.
  • This year SIL said NO GIFTS for her kids.  So apparently it wasn’t working out for SIL.  Or maybe it was and something changed.
  • I assumed this meant all the other rules were still in place but we would just keep SIL’s family out of it.
  • But no!  Mid-December I got a number of things off my wishlist from BIL (the latest Breaking Cat News book, cute socks with books on them, etc.).  Now that SIL is out of the gifting, that means BIL’s wife and I can exchange gifts again!  [Amazon links are affiliate, but they pay so little that it’s better to support your local bookstore if that’s an option.– Don’t worry about our earnings.]
  • (In case you’re wondering, BIL’s wife and I aren’t close friends or anything– we don’t have each other’s contact information, I’m not on social media other than this, and we only see each other once a year, though I definitely enjoy talking with her when we do meet up.  If she weren’t married to BIL we would not be anywhere close to exchanging gifts levels of friends, especially not into middle age, or approaching middle age in her case.)
  • I have never purchased gifts so quickly for anyone.  It was SO easy to pick the Seanan McGuire books she’d put on there ages ago and The Witch Boy… it doesn’t take long to get to $50.  Fairly sure I won’t have any trouble next year either.  There’s a lot built up.
  • It also means that my Amazon wishlist is almost empty.  I went and added all the Murderbot books that I’m currently missing so my sister will have something to get me for my birthday in the future.
  • Maybe SIL is right and we shouldn’t be exchanging presents, but I gotta say, there’s still something special about other people getting things for you that you want and picking out things that you like for other people.  Even with wishlists so the surprise element is limited (which my sister hates, but I am not a fan of surprises, so…)

Is there anyone you enjoy exchanging gifts with or do you wish all the obligatory giving would stop?

What are we getting people this year?

People in DH’s family seem to be using the amazon wish list less than they used to.  This makes shopping harder than it used to be!

We’re currently in the situation where officially we only get gifts for children in DH’s extended family.  EXCEPT…  DH’s parents get everyone (including adults) stuff and we get them stuff.  DH gets something for his brother, usually something he wants his brother to have rather than something his brother has specifically requested, or if it is something he’s requested it’s like a game that they play together.  DH also often gets something for his favorite relative (the one with all the kids, though they’re grown now)– a check if they’re having money difficulties, but if not, then the same thing that he gets his brother.   This year I also breached the rules because SIL is a teacher and when I was looking at her kids’ amazon wishlists, I noticed she had a specific wishlist for her school, so I got her a giant box of pencils (I mean, I just got some for DC2’s teacher) and a surge protector off that list– both were on special Black Friday deals, so were like 50% off.  I hope she doesn’t get annoyed or feel like she has to get me anything.  She probably thinks I’m crazy because in the gift note I was like, this isn’t a Christmas present!  I’m just a sucker for teacher wishlists and donors choose and stuff like that.  I mean, she likely already thinks I’m crazy so that’s probably not adding any new information.

Update:  SIL has requested no gifts for her kids this year, so now it’s just kid gift exchange with BIL’s kids and whatever adults we feel like.  So basically, BIL’s wife and I don’t exchange gifts across immediate families but everyone else does.  Which is kind of a shame because BIL’s wife and I have the most similar tastes and it was always fun shopping for her.  I still go through her wishlist for ideas for me.  But I guess we can buy our own stuff.

My sister asked for things that people didn’t get her off her wedding registry, so we got her (them! — her husband too!) an over-the-sink colander and some wine glasses from crate and barrel.

DH hasn’t decided what to get his brother yet, but it will probably be a game that they can play together.  It sounds like the other relative isn’t having money difficulties this year, so probably the same thing.

We told DC1 to buy a bike at college.  Not a very exciting present, but it seems silly to ship something especially since that means it will have to be put together on the other end.  There’s also smaller stationery supplies from jetpens, including things to practice Japanese calligraphy.  And the cute protective phone case that we got hir a few years ago is kind of falling apart and not longer protective, so zie picked out a new one of those.  There are some other things zie wants (warm hats, one of those bottles that keeps warm drinks hot etc.), but I’m waiting to see what people buy off the wishlist because just finding things to put on the wishlist is a challenge.  (And then my sister refuses to use the wishlist because once you put something on there it isn’t fun anymore.)

DC2 is getting a bunch of books and also stationery/art supplies.

Nephew 1 (14) doesn’t want anything, so he’s getting cash.  That seemed to work out last year.

Niece 1 (12) is getting stuff off her wishlist– a book on drawing chibi characters and a Fruits Basket t-shirt.  I’m not sure how to feel about this generation being into Fruits Basket– does it make me feel old or young?  I guess they remade it in 2019 so neither?

Niblings 3-6 we aren’t getting anything because SIL doesn’t want to exchange gifts even with the kids this year.  I was a little concerned we’d done something wrong, but then BIL said she’d said the same thing to them.  With her permission, we are giving some hand-me-down books that DC2 has outgrown, though not very many because we didn’t have that many left that specifically cater to their current interests.  (Sadly the youngest two aren’t into dinosaurs– we really need to take that shelf of books to the library so some kids can get use out of them.)  So I guess Nibling #3 isn’t getting anything (same age as DC2) but Niblings 4-6 are getting used books.

MIL requested a couple of specific things for her Christmas village, so we’re getting those.  Amazon doesn’t carry them, but Kohl’s does.

FIL gets a gift card to Cabella’s as per usual.

This is probably the least interesting gifts list yet!  I guess as everyone gets older they want less stuff and gift-giving kind of falls off by mutual consent.

Are you getting anything interesting for folks?  Are you finding less gift exchanging as you age?  If so, how do you feel about that?  Do you wish there were more gifting or less?

Presents for people

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Sister:  She wanted a cutting board so I got her this one.  I also got her one of Nadiya Hussein’s cookbooks that we’ve been enjoying.  I feel like I should add something else because I usually spend more on her, but she hasn’t suggested anything yet and I haven’t been to her place since pre-pandemic so I have no idea what she needs.  DC2 wants to make her some kind of fresh marzipan art project, so zie has been experimenting with marizpan and ganache in preparation.  Recent discovery:  adding peppermint abstract to marzipan is *confusing* but if you pour melted chocolate over it it sort of kind of works?

Mother:  Amazon giftcard (all of the local bookstores have gone out of business again :/ )

DC1:  A boxed set of the Odyssey/Illiad/Aeneid (because zie really enjoyed Herodotus and suggested more Greek stuff, though I fear zie will be disappointed since Herodotus is hilarious), A hand-me-down Iphone 8 from DH because hir iphone 6 will soon not be working on our network and a new case with a hobby-related design to go with it, a Jacob’s ladder.  There’s also a birthday and DC1 will be getting drivers ed stuff and the awesome socks subscription that zie will probably not appreciate and will end up giving to DC2.

DC2:  Another chibi lights kit, a book on how to draw animals, metal straws for boba tea, whatever fiction books are still on hir wishlist after extended family has had a go at it.

DH:  As always zie gets 10x his weekly allowance added to his allowance.

Yes, DH’s family is doing gifts “only for children” but that mainly means we’re not exchanging adult gifts with SIL or her husband and sadly, BIL’s wife and I aren’t exchanging excellent novels off our respective wishlists (she has good taste so I used to do the shopping for her instead of DH).  But I can buy my own books!

MIL:  She filled out one those Grandmother tell me about your life books (we don’t actually like the linked one as much as this version that DH’s grandma did, but MIL chose the former) and we’re taking it to the local bindery and getting 3 copies made, one for each child.  Update:  because MIL chose the copy she chose rather than the version DH’s grandma did, the bindery said it would cost over $2K to do what we wanted.  So the new plan is that we scan in the pages ourselves, clean them up, and send the pdf to (not sponsored).  Three copies that way will come in under $200, ignoring labor costs, possibly under $100.  (DH has already done the scanning via Adobe Scan on the phone, but now we need to clean things up– this would have been so much cheaper if she’d chosen a book with rings instead of perfect binding.  If you have a relative doing one of these books who wants copies made, spend the extra money to get one where it’s easy to get the pages out for scanning!)

FIL:  Gift certificate to Cabellas as per usual.

BIL:  A three pack of heatonist hot sauces (link not sponsored!)  Probably Los Calientes, Classic, and Keith’s Chicken Sauce, but DH may surprise me.  Update:  Los Calientes, The Last Dab, and Keith’s Chicken Sauce.

SIL DS1:  Apples to Apples (from wishlist), Origami Yoda books

SIL DD1:  Two Llama Llama and two “If you give a ” books from wishlist (one of these was expensive!), Bad Kitty Goes to the Vet

SIL DS2:  An Octopus bath toy and a stacking cup/hammer station thing from wishlist, some sandra boynton books SIL said they don’t have,  Baby Danced the Polka

SIL DD2:  An electronic vocabulary thing from wishlist, some sandra boynton books SIL said they didn’t have, a Pigeon book they didn’t have (SIL was pretty excited about this one)

BIL DS1:  This kid is as impossible as ours to shop for.  By the time we hit November 6th, his other grandma had bought everything that was on his wishlist except a $30 set of sketchy looking back-ordered (and arriving after Christmas) what looked like off-brand lego minifigs that claimed to be action figures from a sketchy looking seller.  So… maybe just an amazon gift card?  Or cash?  Update:  Confirmed cash is the better option with BIL.

BIL DD1:  Sailor Moon board game expansion, a book on how to draw animals, and sailor moon reusable water bottle (all from wishlist).

Other relative:  DH was like, maybe I should get him hot sauces like BIL, but he probably doesn’t like hot sauce and would rather have the money.  So maybe just a check (Update:  A check).  My guess is that Steam is going to have some kind of fun sale and DH will buy whatever games for both BIL and his other relative.  But maybe not, since other relative’s arthritis means he’s not been playing the same kinds of games that DH likes.

Do you have any fun ideas for people on your gifting list?  Anything good on your wishlist?

Ask the readers: The Christmas lottery has already been breached

Dearest readers,

Long term readers may remember how SIL, upon being diagnosed with twins (children #3 and #4) this summer, suggested that instead of everybody giving gifts to everybody as that is DH’s family’s love language, that instead we draw names from a bag and only give to the person whose name we had drawn.

It is not yet Thanksgiving and we have all four of us already received Christmas gifts from MIL.  (Also from SIL, but only for DC2, whose name she drew.  The kids’ gifts are sitting in boxes in my closet waiting for after Thanksgiving to be put in gift bags.  Except Children of Virtue and Vengeance because DC1 has it on hold from the library and there’s a long line after hir so…)  I *think* it’s less money than she usually spends (~$30/person instead of $80-$100+… not that I keep track), but also… it’s not yet Thanksgiving.  We often think she’s done with holiday purchases and end up being wrong.  This may just be the “off our wishlists” portion.  Or it may be all.  (Except DC1 will probably get something for hir birthday.)

DH also just bought a (bread baking) book for his brother’s wife but was like, this is not a Christmas gift, do not retaliate (brother was all, no worries, this is not a big deal, but I’m sure his wife is happy to have expectations made explicit), and also wants to buy his brother a cheap video game that they can play together with the other relative they’re friends with.

And should we renew the Braille subscription for DH’s brother’s blind daughter?

Should we also ignore the name drawing thing and send gifts back to MIL and FIL?  Just have the kids send (homemade crafty) gifts to MIL?  Send something smaller than usual? Stick rigidly to the name drawing thing?  Not worry about it because the in-laws have savings and nice pensions and I still make a lot of money so whatever we do is fine?

What would you do?  Any stories of what happens when these kinds of rules break down?

Big changes in how DH’s family does Christmas

Every year I talk about how DH’s family has gift giving as their love language and how DH agonizes over what to get and I make lists of what we’ve gotten people and worry or don’t worry about the expense for the other families in question.

DH’s sister has twins due in November.  This will bring the number of grandkids up to 8 and will double the number of her kids.  She has requested that instead of the regular gift giving we’ve done in the past where everybody gets everyone something that we just pick names out of a hat and each person gives one thing.  (Which I think is silly– I’d rather not do gift-giving at all than to have a random element with higher stakes, but again it’s not my family.)  I think the idea is that everyone still gets something to open at Grandma’s house.  Though we always just have presents direct-shipped to people’s houses since we have been flying instead of driving recently.

But this year it sounds like we will not be having Christmas at Grandma’s house.  With 8 grandkids, that’s too many.  DH’s siblings live about an hour away from each other and in a more populated part of the state whereas his parents and other relatives all live in the more rural part of the state 5 or so hours away (assuming you don’t get stuck behind a tractor).  DH’s mom is planning on renting an apartment near his sister so she can be on hand to help out with the twins and she thinks we should rent a house either near DH’s sister or his brother.  And we should do it after Christmas instead of on Christmas.  (Which will make my sister happy because this past year my parents didn’t end up visiting at the last minute and she spent Christmas with friends instead of family and she has been complaining about it ever since.)

It will be kind of nice to have Christmas at home again.  We haven’t done that since my sister bought a house in the City, which was before DC2 was born.  We’ll get to have a rosemary tree and get out the ornaments (instead of the felt tree we put up) and actually put things in the kids’ stockings here and we can not have ham (though I will miss BIL’s birthday lasagna).

Now, DH and I kind of think it’s pretty likely we won’t be going to visit this winter at all because the virus will still not be under control and it will be too dangerous, especially with his sister being post-partum, but that’s months from now.  With all those United miles we can afford to put off this decision for a while.

I suspect DH will still give presents to his brother because he tends to buy electronic games that he and his brother and other relative can play during their weekly online gaming sessions.  But that can be our secret.

Has gift giving with your extended family changed as it has grown (or shrunk)?

Ask the grumpies: good building toys

OMDG asks:

What are good toys for kids who like to build things in addition to blocks and legos?

You mentioned in addition to blocks, but our kids have gotten a lot of enjoyment out of less-mainstream blocks, so we are mentioning those as well.

We like pixel blocks for small stuff– these are like single unit legos that can be attached via the sides as well as the top and bottom.  (The somewhat lower than expected reviews are because, unlike lego, their quality control is not perfect and some of the blocks don’t fit perfectly.)

A very simple version of blocks are Kapla blocks.  I don’t know why these are so fun given that they come in just one size/shape, but they have provided hours of entertainment for all ages.

Tegu blocks, which are slightly magnetic, continue to be really awesome.

For little kids, HABA makes a lot of fun versions of blocks that are a bit different from ordinary blocks in different ways.

Train sets are also many hours of building fun.  Brio makes a good one that is interchangeable with some other sets.

Ozobot was great for like a week and then the kids completely lost interest.  Probably not worth the expense.  (Note:  this starter kit is 2x the cost of the one we got!)

Snap circuits had longer staying power but they ended up getting scattered all over the house and stopped being used.

Our favorite science kit so far has been the Magic School Bus chemistry version.  It’s fun!

A pack of playing cards and access to youtube videos on how to do card tricks has kept DC1 entertained for days on end.

The fun and healthy kids’ cookbook is a good one.

DH and DC2 are both hooked on pixelhobby.  (This is not a cheap hobby, but the output is nice enough to become Christmas presents for other people.)

These fascinations metal earth kits also result in really nice output (DC1 made the lighthouse one for MIL last year), but you do need needle nose pliers.

Binoculars are cool.

What are we getting people for Christmas this year?

DC1:  A set of trick decks for the stocking (DC1 is really into card and coin tricks),

DC2:  Spanish coloring book,  a set of 5 field notebooks and a wellspring flip note (DC2 is really into drawing and list making and notes)

BIL1:  Anti-hero, for the king, and into the breach.  I am told these are steam games.

SIL1:  Usually we get SIL books off her amazon list but this year we only got her Binti:  Home and instead got her the first Timestories game off her wish list because DH really enjoys Timestories.

nephew 1:  A meccano microid and a minecraft plush pig from his amazon wishlist.

niece 1:  We renewed her subscription to the Braille of the Month book club.  Apparently they’ve really been enjoying it.  (The nonprofit provides the books at less than cost, so we also gave them a donation– what a great program.)

BIL2:  We never know what to get for him, so we generally just give an amazon gift card.  This year is no exception.

SIL2:  She had a bunch of stuff for work, mostly craft paper, on her amazon wishlist, so we got that.

nephew 2:  He’s easy to shop for because he’s a similar age to our DC2 and has similar interests, so we got more Magic Treehouse books (our DC2 is not a fan, but our DC1 was, and they were a big hit last year), bad kitty books, and a book of facts that DC2 really enjoyed.

niece 2:  She’s a bit harder because we have to remember what we gave nephew 2 at that age (not to be confused what we gave the other niece and nephew).  Generally we make a list and then ask SIL2 if there are duplicates.  This year we got Go Dog Go, Put me in the Zoo, Big Dog Little Dog,  Sneeches, Green Eggs and Ham, and one fish two fish.

MIL:  Life has gotten easier since she got a wish list!  We got her the Michelle Obama memoir and a non-crisping ninja foodi (so.. basically an instapot?) that is backordered on amazon and may not get there until after January.

FIL:  An instant food thermometer and a gift certificate to Cabela’s.

Sister:  She’s been doing a lot more cooking lately and asked for a bread book, so we got her DH’s current go-do– Bread by Eric Treuille and Ursula Ferrigno.  I would call this a recipe book for the advanced beginner.  It has a lot of really good information (with pictures) about different types of bread, ingredients, and multiple techniques before it gets into the recipes.  It’s not a coffee table book with rich histories like Home Baking, nor is it a trendy artisan bread in 5 min a day, but we learned a lot of techniques from it and it’s got a lot of variety and almost all the recipes we’ve tried have been excellent.  (Exception:  DH notes on the soft pretzel recipe:  THESE ARE NOT PRETZELS, need baking soda.)  We don’t know what else to get her– she has said she will think about what she wants.

Mother:  The local bookstore in her town went out of business, so I guess it is back to Amazon gift cards.

Father:  I’ve given up here.

For #2 I got her a bunch of excellent books off her wish list including three for kindle that I sent her right away because Amazon sucks for gift giving via kindle (stuff stays on the wish list so you might end up with two people buying you the same thing).  I got her Deception by Amanda Quick, KJ Charles’ retelling of the Prisoner of Zenda, and Band Sinister.  The other stuff is still a secret.


#2 says:  This year, as with most years, it’s an Icelandic-style bookflood for me.  Though I still have to figure out what to get for DH.

Some anonymous spending polls for Christmas :)

For the family member ones, pick the person or people you would consider to fill that role (ignoring DNA unless you don’t want to ignore DNA).

Each one of these is a separate poll, so you’ll have to click the vote button for each one.  Sorry!

What are we getting for people this year?

My sister said she wanted a chef’s knife and a paring knife, so after some conversation, we got her a santoku (Shun), a paring knife, and an electric knife sharpenerThis post of ours really helped me!  I don’t know what DC1 is going to give her this year, but DC2 has been working really hard on a 4 plate pixel hobby with 8 ballet dancers on it (DC1 gave my sister a pixel hobby with a pair of ballet slippers on it at about the same age).

Sadly, the bookstore in my mom’s town just went out of business (as did the Barnes and Noble a few years back), so either I get her a giftcard to someplace half an hour or more away, or she gets an Amazon giftcard.  Aha!  I realized that she’ll be staying at my sister’s around Christmas, so I can get her a card she can use at the half price books near my sister’s place.

For everyone else it has been harder!

MIL:  She started an amazon list this year!  Woooo!  When DH found that out (on the phone on Thanksgiving while trying to pump her for any hint of what she could possibly want) his stress level visibly dropped 75%.  We popped through and got a bunch of “Nanarelated merch (I guess replacing her previous Green Bay Packers theme?) as well as a number of hard-boiled mystery novels.  (My mom runs more towards cozy mysteries, DH’s prefers the tougher stuff.)

FIL:  Now that FIL is retired, he’s spending more time hunting.  Plus he’s making sure there’s plenty of game on the plot of land he inherited from his parents.   So in addition to the Cabela’s giftcard we usually send him, we’re also sending a highly rated game cookbook.

BIL1:  DH is waiting for a game to go on sale so he can get a copy for his brother and his cousin both.  (I assume we’ll also be sending a check to the cousin, but I don’t know for how much yet.)

SIL1:  It is always a pleasure to shop for SIL1 because she has an up-to-date amazon wish list!  And she puts cool things on it!  And she has great taste in books!  This year I’m adding the Secret Casebook of Simon Feximal and KJ Charles’ regency series.

Cousins 1 and 2:  The younger has been learning braille, so we got her a subscription to the children’s braille book of the month club.  (It is pretty heavily subsidized, so we added on a donation.  What a great program.)  This is the first time we’ve known what to get hir!  For the older we’re getting the dragonbox complete math pack and big numbers which is too new to be in their complete math pack.  (Usually we also buy books for their oldest, but he’s already got most of what our DC1 likes.)

BIL2 and SIL2: This one was hard this year.  The past few years there’s been a good excuse to just write a check (a new house purchase, saving for a house, babies, paying off wedding debt, etc.) but this year none of that has been recent or immediate.  When DH tried to pump SIL2 for information on the phone, she was non-committal and said she’d update her amazon wishlist, which she always says and rarely does.  DH suggested not exchanging gifts among the adults with her nuclear family, but apparently she demurred.  I wish he’d just asked her straight up about checks vs. giftcards, but he didn’t.  We do have a bunch of $5 off amazon luxury beauty products and she does have a $20 foundation from 2014 on her list– we could get her that and the pair of $14 earrings from 2014 but that’s literally all that is on her list right now, other than a bunch of size 0-3 month onesies and diapers that will probably not fit either her rising 3 year old or her 5 year old.  [Update:  We got her the foundation and the earrings, and then a little over a week later she actually did update her list so we got her one of the books on teaching she wanted and now we are 100% done with holiday shopping other than that one game that DH is taking care of and stocking stuffers.  Yay.]

Cousins 3 and 4:  SIL did ok us buying books again for her kids (given how many toys everyone gets from the grandparents).  For the older one (about the same age as our DC2), we got Magic Treehouse and Magic School Bus books and the Magic School Bus chemistry kit.  For the younger one, ladybug girl, the Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes, Elephant and Piggie books, and Beautiful Oops.

For someone who likes art and lives in Milwaukee

What are you getting for peeps this year?