Ask the grumpies: How to prevent elder financial abuse

First Gen American asks:

How do avoid financial elder abuse? Should we all setup trusts?

Alice says:

Risks from telemarketers and phone scammers have been eliminated: we switched her phone to a plan that blocks inbound calls from unapproved numbers.

We have no idea.

AARP suggests services that track accounts and help recoup losses from fraud.  The consumer financial protection bureau has guides on how to report abuse.  Most of the online advice seems to just be pay attention or have someone you trust pay attention.

Websites selling trusts like your trust idea for preventing financial elder abuse.

Grumpy Nation, do you have suggestions for protecting older people from financial abuse?

A fairly dramatic family post (cw: estranged family)

My sister just got married.  We really like her husband!

But that meant I had to see my parents.  I don’t talk about it much– I think maybe there’s just one post?  But I am estranged from my parents.  It basically started with me trying to set one small boundary:  My father being able to visit without having a toddler-level temper tantrum. And ended with both my parents blowing past boundary after boundary after boundary.  The final straw was my mother writing to my mother-in-law to ask her if I abused my kids.  (I do not and my kids are flourishing.)

The months and weeks before the wedding I just couldn’t think about it.  Usually whenever something is going to happen, I spend a lot of time pre-thinking, running through every possible scenario and figuring out my potential reactions and what I want my end-goal to be (if I don’t, I usually screw up because I am NOT very good under pressure).  But with this I just couldn’t.  I would just go numb and my brain would switch to some other topic.

I knew though that something was wrong because the week before the wedding my bottom lip was covered with cold-sores, which is what happens when I get anxious.  So I knew the kind of numb feeling wasn’t actually a real calm.  We opted out of the reception dinner the night before (we weren’t in the wedding party) and the brunch the next day.  But we figured if I wanted to spend more time with my mom we could always change our minds and book a hotel.  Though again, my subconscious must have been saying no because we were a half hour out from our house on the day of the wedding when we realized we hadn’t packed any spare clothes or anything to sleep in.

My mom showed up and I felt emotion– I felt hurt and anger.  I am apparently still really really angry about her writing to my MIL.  She said she hadn’t seen us in a while and we’d become middle-aged and gotten a lot of grey hair.  I told her my my sister was upstairs in another room.  She left and I needed to process.  I think I still need to process.

I’d thought it was just my mother coming because the last thing my sister said, my father had decided not to come because he whatever.  But of course they always change their minds at the last minute and he probably wanted to be cajoled.  I don’t know.  I didn’t talk to my sister about it.  Anyhow, he showed up and interrupted a pleasant talk we had been having with an aunt and uncle of the groom about their recent trip to Italy.  It took a LOT of both DH and me saying that we did not want to talk with him and him saying things like, “I thought you would have mellowed by now” and appealing to DH (they always appeal to DH as if I’m being unreasonable) in front of a lot of people before he left us alone.  It was complete silence after that until we were thankfully sent on another errand (getting toilet paper for the port-a-potties).  My father kept creepily coming by and staring at us from around corners.  We ignored him.

After the wedding one of my aunts talked to me about “but faaaaamily” and how I needed to forgive and how their hearts were broken and there are two sides to every story.  And she understands I’m hurt but she had a heart attack and realized etc. etc. etc.  I told her that if I feel differently after I have a heart attack, I will make decisions at that time.  She “ended” by saying she’s not going to lecture me, but I said it was too late for that (ended in scare quotes because she actually went on a little bit after saying she was going to end).  I don’t think I have been that rude to anybody in decades, but also I think if I had to go back I would be even ruder and start off by saying it’s none of her business, in the off chance that would have cut her lecture short.  Or maybe I would have told her she’s an enabler, and my mom is abused, and if she actually wants to help, she should put her focus on there instead of on coddling and enabling my father’s poor behavior.  But I didn’t think of that at the time.  I just reacted and tried to shut down.

Then my father and that aunt tried to give us a shirt from my father that I had said I didn’t want like 7 years ago but my mother had said she wanted to work out in the midwestern winters.  Basically my father gets free t-shirts from a mutual fund and I was ok with taking them when they were short sleeve (they’re ok for sleeping or working out), but I don’t need any long sleeve shirts because I live in the South.  (And I didn’t actually *want* them to begin with and I don’t want anything from him now.)  DH says this really encapsulates my father– he tries to give things to create an obligation or for control and it’s junk you don’t want and he won’t take no for an answer and these women enable him.  They tell *me* to take it and burn it, but they don’t tell him no.  As if dealing with him is my problem, which it isn’t.  After I wouldn’t take it, they tried giving it to DC2 (DC1 couldn’t be there because of school).  Fortunately DC2 followed our lead and ignored them after the first attempt.

My mother looks more worn-down.  My father looks hale and hearty, despite being 8 years older.  Any attempts to justify his actions or to prey on my sympathy because of problems with his health have been greatly exaggerated.  He’s crazy, but no crazier than he has been most of my life.  I don’t think it is age-related dementia after all.  He just is this awful and has always been this awful.

My other aunt, the one who married a good normal man, didn’t bring anything up and when my sister mentioned to her the situation between my parents and me at dinner to explain the seating arrangements, she said this wasn’t the first time she’d been used as a buffer at a family event and was happy to do so and then dropped the topic and didn’t bring it up again.  On our way home, I remembered how so much of my life goals were based on when we would visit them at Christmas– I wanted an upper-middle-class lifestyle in a good school district in a place that had fun ethnic food (one year they got some kind of Mediterranean flatbread from a local place that blew me away) and there was no yelling or picking at people.  It was the one thing that made me think that healthy family dynamics were real and not just something made up for sitcoms.  Anyhow, she was delightful even if my other aunt was not.

And I think I have reached those goals– our house is peaceful.  DH and I love each other and support each other.  We provide a calm supportive environment for our kids as best we can.

For any of you who are in a situation where you’ve tried to set boundaries and those boundaries have been completely ignored.  Who have had well-meaning enablers try to work on you instead of the person who actually has the problem.  It is SO MUCH BETTER when you don’t have to tiptoe.  When you don’t have to have your plans continually upset.  When you don’t have to deal with someone who has no business controlling you trying to control you.  When you don’t have to deal with inevitable tantrums.  When nobody is picking at your driving ability or calling you names or asking if you’re an idiot.  And so on…

Now we look forward to holidays like Christmas, spending them with DH’s family without tiptoeing or frustration or fear.

Yes, I am upset about and worried about my mother.  But also I have accepted that I cannot control her actions.  She has chosen to enable her abusive husband over having any relationship with me– he will not allow her to have any relationship with me unless he is equally included.  The last straw was her writing to my MIL, though there were many straws before that.  She is an adult, and I cannot break the abusive situation that she has been in for five decades and it’s not my job to do so.  Knowing that is freeing.

All I can do is control my own actions and protect my own small family.  I can support my sister who still interacts with them and gave up on “but family-ing” me several years ago (about the time her new husband met them).  When you’re in this kind of situation it is hard to get out.  When you’ve never been in this kind of situation, it seems crazy from the outside.  When you’ve had some distance, you can realize how crazy it all is.  And how it’s not your fault.

Do you use a spoon or a knife for jam?

I grew up using a butter knife.  I think probably because you get less jam on that way and it’s spread out evenly.  (#DepressionDad)

DH, otoh, uses a teaspoon and he’s converted the kids to that.  They go through a LOT of jam very quickly.  (I feel like when they were younger they used the butter knife and it’s only since lockdown that they started leaving spoons in jam jars instead of knives.  If only we could convert them to putting things away after they’re done using them.)  I suspect he uses a spoon because he grew up with very liquidy homemade strawberry jam from one of his late grandmothers.  (Extremely good, but also more like a syrup with strawberry chunks than a jam.)

Since they leave the jam jars out with the spoons, I tend to use the spoons now too.  At some point I will likely start reaching for a spoon instead of a knife when I’m the person opening the jar.

How do you get jam out of a jar?

Annual Winter Holiday Travel Has Been Set

Because the grandparents came for DC1’s graduation and the rest of the cousins (but not us) went down to the grandparents’ for the DH’s lastname family reunion, there was very little appetite for a full family gathering this summer.  (Why didn’t we go to the family reunion?  Uh, it’s outside in the heat and DH’s extended family is not the most… liberal.  Also the two times I went people were constantly badgering me about my fertility which was unpleasant, especially since the second time I’d been labeled infertile already but hadn’t figured out a treatment plan yet.  Plus both kids had daycamp that week.)

But we did want to get Christmas plans figured out.  We’re doing the same thing we did the last two years, except flying instead of driving (hopefully there won’t be another blizzard).  Which means everyone gathers in the town where DH’s brother lives. We got a slightly nicer AirBNB than the nice one we did two years ago (and way nicer than the last minute place after our initial plans were derailed by the blizzard) by the same guy who owns the two years ago AirBNB.  We got special permission to have a family dinner there so long as we don’t have more than four vehicles so SIL doesn’t have to do all of the cooking/entertaining.  Maybe next time we’ll spring for the extra super fancy place (owned by the same guy) that costs twice as much… we’ll see how rich we’re feeling next year.  (Though with its outdoor pool, the fancy place is more of a summer rental.)

Air tickets for 4:  $1,369.56 .  This is out of our small local airport… so we’ll probably have to pay for parking but it’s not that expensive.  And we will likely be checking a bag or two because… Christmas, but who knows, maybe not.

AirBNB for 5 adults (DC1 is an adult according to AirBNB!) and 1 child for 3 nights:  $1,495.34 .

Not too bad!  We’ll probably also pay for meals out.  I’m hoping my favorite cafe with the beet sandwich I like so much will be open when we’re there.  It was last year at this time, but sadly… that blizzard derailed our plans and I went without.

I really like getting all of this nailed down in July (especially since plane tickets and schedules are so reasonable!).  Hopefully the weather will behave and we won’t regret the choice to fly instead of drive.

What’s your next non-work trip?

A wonderful part of your personality (and some links)

Maybe it’s the engineer in you.

You are so good at seeing problems as problems to be solved and not as people who suck.  And you’re good at helping others to see things that way too.

People love working with you.  Even people who hate working with each other!

It’s wonderful in our relationship because I have never felt like I’m a problem, or that you don’t trust me, or don’t feel safe with me.  There’s never irritation about how we do things differently, from small things like folding laundry to larger things like raising children.  We talk things out.  We figure out if they matter.

And because of you and how you approach life and us, I know deep in my bones that I can trust you and that I am always safe with you.   (And of course, you’re always the solution, never the problem!)  I think you rub off on me and remind me about what really matters.  You make me a better person.

You are calm and competent and so good at how you approach solving things.  Even if we don’t come to a solution right away, I have full faith in your process.  You are so mature it amazes me.  The world would be so much of a better place if there were more people like you in it.

I love you so much.  Every single year is a joy to be with you.  I’m glad we’ve had another year together and I look forward to so many more with you.


What to ask Republicans about abortion this upcoming election season.

I hate when authors from underrepresented groups don’t get to write their own stories but clueless White authors get accolades for writing about them instead.  This is a reason I love Rick Riordin presents so much.  (Also the authors involved are Really Really Good, according to DC2– because there are a lot of amazing writers who don’t get heard because they’re underrepresented.)  It would be best if Scholastic didn’t need to put Rick Riordin’s name on things, but it is WAY better that they’re getting people writing about their own ancestral mythologies rather than having someone like Rick Riordin do it.  (I still think it’s ok for Cishet women to write and self-publish historical romances about gay guys– they’re not crowding out romance novels by gay guys, but more introducing people to the genre.)

Ask the grumpies: how do you want your kids to remember you?

CG asks:

How do you want your kids to remember you?

I don’t actually know.  Fondly?  Like we tried our best and provided a stable supportive home life?  Hopefully we will be friends as adults for many years to come before we pass.

Really I just want them to be good people and to be happy.  Whether or not thoughts of me are part of that, I’m not sure how much I care.  Like, I want their realities to be good whether or not they attribute that goodness to anything we’ve done.  I’m fine with them taking us for granted once they’re on their own, and if we’re dead I’m not sure I care if they blame us for things?

#2:  No kids!

Grumpy Nation parents, how do you want your kids to remember you?

Ask the grumpies: What are your parents’ long term care/end of life plans?

First Gen American asks:

Do your parents have plans? Will you be helping with their care, why or why not?

#1:  My parents… they have a lot of money saved.  We probably won’t have to help them monetarily because likely their money will get them into a nice nursing home and Medicaid can take over when it runs out.  They’re both still living at home and seem active, though my father obviously has some kind of dementia and my mother is in denial about it.  When my grandma got Alzheimer’s my mom swore she would get herself into one of those communities where you live in an apartment on your own and are guaranteed to gradually transition to nursing care (my grandma was too far gone to get into the one in our town, so she ended up living with one of my mom’s younger brothers since after my sister went to college my parents had nobody able to lift my grandma anymore).  But unless my father dies first, I don’t think that’s going to happen.

My in-laws do not have plans.  My MIL definitely wants to be allowed to die if she ends up with dementia.  She’s got all sorts of “DNR” stuff signed.  She did not enjoy taking care of her mother and does not want to go through that herself or put her children through that.  We’re not sure about my FIL.  If they need help we will work together with DH’s siblings (probably us dealing with the money stuff and some set of them being boots on the ground since they live in the same state and we make more money) to figure out what needs to be done.  It’s likely they would move the debilitated family member to a care facility closer to them like my MIL moved her mother.

#2:  No, and possibly.  Parents are still in pretty good shape.  MIL may need help sooner and FIL passed away early and unexpectedly.



  • DH’s mom is scheduled for surgery mid-January (there are preparation appointments before then).  Her meeting with the surgeon just after Christmas was really hopeful, and he seemed very optimistic and calming about everything.  Over Christmas she seemed really energetic and like her usual self.  That is all very hopeful.
  • My SIL has a lot of artistic hobbies that she starts up and somehow masters over the course of a year.  Her most recent is knitting—she went from no knitting at all to impressive-looking sweaters and cardigans.  I knitted for years as a kid and never really mastered scarves.  She’s also got an impressive yarn collection which is a reason I no longer knit (knitting gets to be an expensive and space-needing hobby)… (that and not really needing scarves in our climate).
  • Her previous hobbies include water color, drawing, novel writing (she still does this and self-publishes—they are very good), calligraphy… I’m not sure what else.
  • My hobbies are this blog, reading novels, and watching YouTube videos.  I guess the blog is creating.  But really I am more of a consumer.
  • I’m not jealous but I am a bit in awe of people who can create.  DC1 composes and that blows my mind.  I don’t have the expertise to judge but I really enjoy hir music and it seems super impressive to me.
  • I’m not sure I have much of an imagination (it seems to be mostly used up in determining probable future scenarios and how to plan for them).  And I know my fine motor skills aren’t great.  My difficulty with left and right probably doesn’t help either.  Perhaps with practice and free time I could do something but there are so many people who can do so many amazing things that I’m happy to be a consumer of art rather than a producer.
  • DC1 added more schools to hir college list.  By the time this is published hopefully all applications will be in, including the music supplements.  We will see what happens!
  • Also turns out DC1 has been living a secret life where zie has been creating online games with other people online.  That has been turned into several college essays and an extracurricular line.  DC1 reports that the outschool essay person said it was, “unique” but wasn’t sure if she meant that in a good “interesting/breath of fresh air” way or a less good “maybe don’t” sort of way.
  • A lot of these essay questions are about how people with different viewpoints have changed the way you think about things.  DC1 has a lot of stories zie can tell, about friends and relatives with autism, blindness, amusia (“that’s interesting! I hadn’t heard of that before,” said both I and later the college essay person), as well as a trans best friend from elementary and middle school, in a state where it’s dangerous to be out.  But DC1 says that zie feels uncomfortable centering hirself as the protagonist in what are really other people’s stories.  (I was like, that sounds great!  You don’t have room for it in your Pomona essay, but you can add that as a first paragraph to your Williams essay! Question the question and demonstrate you do listen to diverse experiences but are a level beyond the question! But DC1, who is genuinely a good person, just narrowed hir eyes at me and said nothing.  Then added humor to make up the additional 50 words.)
  • Macalester wants 500 words on why St. Paul/Minneapolis is such a great place to live.  I think it’s a brainwashing technique and wonder how successful it is.  Also, now I kind of want to go to St. Paul because there’s an ice cream place there that gets its ice cream from the Wisconsin-Madison dairy and has turtle sundaes.  (We don’t have turtle sundaes in the South.)  Though really, there are other places in the Midwest we could go to to get them (like, maybe, Wisconsin-Madison itself). There are also at least 17 poke-first restaurants in the MSA and many other restaurants that also have Poke on the menu.
  • I’ve been having odd cravings for boba tea that aren’t sated by actually getting boba tea.  Too bad tapioca doesn’t have the same nutritional profile as gelatin!
  • I think I may have the most fun at conference meals when I don’t know many of the people and I don’t think I will likely meet them again.  I think the last part is key– I like meeting new people but I have enormous social anxiety, which isn’t there if I think it’s just a one time thing.
  • DC1 has gotten a lot better writing college essays since we started.  I really hate the early decision process– not that I think the outcome would have been better if zie had waited to apply to HMC regular decision, but zie still would have put hir best foot forward, instead of hir best foot from before the process started.

DH’s mom has uterine cancer

This is her second bout with cancer.  She had breast cancer 20-30 years ago which left her with lymph problems.

Uterine cancer has a good 5 year survival rate (81% overall, 95% if it hasn’t spread).

She has an appointment for the end of the December to discuss a hysterectomy and that’s all we know.

A lot of weirdnesses about holiday planning this year make a lot of sense now.  Turns out DH’s worries that something was wrong with his parents’ health were right.

I am cautiously optimistic, after having read up on uterine cancer.  I don’t think I can have the capacity to believe something will go wrong at this point and won’t until there’s more information.  My brain does its future planning thing where it’s like, who will fill all these functions she fills, but then it completely shuts off and refuses to go there and moves to how can we provide support during medical treatment and during our trip which is a much healthier and more useful line of mental planning.  (We’re bringing more masks and more covid tests for one– if any of the 8 kids is sniffling this year we’ll have tests and appropriately-sized masks for all.  We also plan to be on little kid duty.).  The nurse-themed hand sanitizer lanyard and mini hand sanitizers I picked up for her (I wanted to meet a free shipping price from bath and bodyworks) seem an even more appropriate gift now.  We’re also going to provide a sampler of masks that DH likes for his dad who has been even better about mask wearing than DH’s mom has.  Covid doesn’t seem to be super prevalent where they live, but RSV and flu are filling up the hospitals there too.

DH, naturally, is very worried.

We just remembered we needed to make Christmas travel plans

DH and the kids’ late summer trip made me think we’d already done all our holiday planning, but we actually hadn’t done any at all.

By the time I noticed that we hadn’t made any Christmas plans, the cost of plane tickets to visit DH’s family alone was going to be ~$2K, and there would still be plenty of driving on both ends of the trip and non-ideal travel dates.  So we decided to drive.  My car gets good mileage and it wasn’t so bad last year.  I’m looking forward to the next Dispatcher book.  And the next Andrea Vernon.  I think someone kidnapped the Big Axe at the end of last year’s car trip.

So we contacted DH’s mom and DH and his mom talked with his siblings to figure out what would work best with everyone’s plans and schedules.  They decided to see the cousins near where the cousins live rather than near where DH’s parents live.  So basically we would drive in to DH’s parents, then we would all drive to an AirBNB in his brother’s town.  DH’s sister would come for a day.   Last year DH’s brother hosted, but this year DH’s brother’s wife is getting surgery so we will probably get catering.

Then DH and his mom looked at AirBNB schedules.  They (mostly DH) decided on 2 nights in DH’s brother’s town ending on Christmas Eve (most places were already booked on Christmas, and the place we stayed last year is $500/night with a 3 night minimum now!)  DH’s mom is really worried about crime, so that let out a lot of the downtown Airbnb.  We found a place about a 20 min drive from DH’s brother’s place in a surrounding small town for ~$300/night, so $600 total.

So the plan is, drive to DH’s parents’.  Spend the night.  Drive to DH’s brother’s town, check into an AirBNB.  Spend the night.  Either host Christmas there or spend a day there and go to DH’s brother’s the next day after checking out.  Drive back to DH’s parents’.  Spend the night and either the next day or drive home that day.  But plans may change– the nice thing about driving instead of flying is the flexibility.  (The bad thing is that it takes a full day and then some to drive.  But DC1 needs highway practice!)

Gas was ~$100 round trip last time.  It will probably be a little more this time but not too much more.

I’m a little worried about catsitting– the person we used last year has moved to another state and the person we used last summer wasn’t available last Christmas.  It’s hard finding people around at Christmas, and our cat does not like being away from us for long periods of time (back when we had two cats, she seemed fine, but now she seems a little traumatized even when we do get a cat sitter).

The other expense will be our portion of the catering bill, though I’m not entirely sure what’s going to happen there.  (One of the cousins has peanut allergies so they have to be careful.)  But I feel like my part in planning here is done.

But, all in all, not so bad price-wise.

Have you made winter break travel plans?