A sad update on the relatives

The babies were set to be delivered at 37 weeks, to be induced if necessary.  The smaller twin had had several scares and had forced at least one extended hospital stay.

Just before 35 weeks, she went into labor.  They rushed to the nearest big hospital, and then to the big city hospital two hours away.  The smaller twin had died.  They stopped the labor and recommended she try to keep the babies gestating a little longer.  A few days later she went into labor again and 18 hours later they were born.  The larger twin was 5lb 4oz and other than standard preemie stuff (not wanting to be touched, lungs not fully developed) was doing fine at birth.  They held a funeral service at the hospital and another back home for the smaller twin.

The other baby is now off the ventilator and feeding tube and is cuddly and should be coming home soon.

21 Responses to “A sad update on the relatives”

  1. First Gen American Says:

    That’s heartbreaking.

  2. Mrs. Pop @ Planting Our Pennies Says:

    My condolences on the lost little one, but it is good to hear that the other is healthy and headed home.

  3. Holly@ClubThrifty Says:

    I am so sorry to hear all of that. Glad to hear that the mother and one child are doing okay =(

  4. Cloud Says:

    Oh, I’m so sorry. Sending virtual hugs to you and your family.

  5. bogart Says:

    Oh, I’m so sorry to learn of the smaller baby’s death.

    And it feels odd to be extending congratulations and joyful good wishes for the arrival of the larger twin in that context but at the same time, and not to diminish the stresses of prematurity, I hope there is joy for hir arrival. I hope the parents will be able to bring hir home soon and that the young parents will have the support and assistance they need.

    • nicoleandmaggie Says:

      Just the mom and the grandparents (and aunts and uncles). I don’t think we know who the dad is.

      • bogart Says:

        Ah, OK. Well, make that the mom and extended family, then.

        I am glad they were able to have a way to commemorate the lost twin. It seems like that is something that sometimes doesn’t happen, to the contemporary and/or later regret of those close to the loss.

  6. Rosa Says:

    oh, that is so hard.

  7. Practical Parsimony Says:

    That’s too bad, but it is wonderful the other is okay.

  8. EMH Says:

    My heart hurts. I like to think the smaller twin kept the other one company in the womb. I hope everyone is doing alright.

  9. gwinne Says:

    Yes, very sad.

    I’m glad the surviving “big” twin has good prognosis.

  10. oilandgarlic Says:

    This is heartbreaking.

  11. rented life Says:

    Oh no, so sad. My thoughts go to mom and bigger twin.

  12. Susan Says:

    What a hard thing for such a young family. My thoughts are with them, and the extended family.

  13. badacademic2 Says:

    oh my gosh, so sorry to hear.

  14. Ana Says:

    Condolences on the loss. And congratulations on the birth. So strange to put those in the same sentence. The whole thing is heartbreaking. My thoughts are with your family.

  15. Historiann Says:

    How awful. I hope the young mother gets some grief counseling, or some other kind of therapy or support. It’s hard enough having to nurse & respond to a newborn and figure out how you’re going to cope with that without also mourning a significant loss. I would be on the alert for signs of post-partum depression.

  16. hush Says:

    Horrible. I don’t have the words. So sorry.

  17. Revanche Says:

    I’m so sorry. What a sad turn to an already challenging situation. And yet, congratulations on the birth of the older twin who I hope will beat the preemie problems and get strong and healthy.

  18. Contingent Cassandra Says:

    Oh, dear. How sad, and how hard for a young mother who was already having to grow up very fast.

  19. Updates | Grumpy rumblings of the (formerly!) untenured Says:

    […] must be picking up), but is still going to school even though she doesn’t want to.  The second daughter is working two jobs (both fastfood) while her step-mom takes care of the baby.  They’ve […]

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