Discarded drafts from 2014

  • I had a two part series
    • On the importance of moxy in two parts: Part 1
    • On the importance of moxy in two parts: Part 2: The dangers of moxy (and why they can F themselves)
  • but… nothing was actually written in either of these.  It was inspired by a famous guy visiting and him being kind of a jerk and how people take you at your word if you self-denigrate, and then I think the second part was about how people can be jerks if you don’t self-denigrate if you’re female, which really really sucks.  I’m not sure how to get one post even two out of those ideas at this point and it’s just depressing.  Patriarchy sucks.
  • Weirdest Way Possible:  All this had was a link to this OK Go music video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MejbOFk7H6c
  • How long does it take to get a publication? “Recently did a survey… was surprised that it took 14 months from submission to print version for something that I thought had gone very quickly.”  I’m not sure which one of us wrote this or what the survey was.  I’m not even sure how long my papers have taken to become publications!  Online pre-prints have definitely made some things faster.
  • I made a blanket fort:  “Because I can.”  “Pictures or it didn’t happen!”  Pictures never got uploaded.  So I guess it didn’t happen!

10 Responses to “Discarded drafts from 2014”

  1. omdg Says:

    Moxie is really important for some of us! I wouldn’t be where I am without it. OTOH every time I open my mouth about *anything* many of the important men in my department seem to inwardly cringe, as though the sound of me talking at all is like nails on a chalkboard. Is that what you’re getting at?

    Publication times these days are ridiculous. I have had several papers under review with no response now for 3-4 months. Absurd.

  2. debomill Says:

    Pictures are nice, but I’m never a fan of demanding things from people. Like Sherlock Holmes had to be brought back from the dead because the author’s fans demanded more even after that. That’s just mean.

    Anyway, I’m glad you made a blanket fort. Because grown-ups often forget how to have fun, and that’s sad.

    • nicoleandmaggie Says:

      Well, the lack of pictures 10 years ago is why the post didn’t happen.

    • CG Says:

      I have an acquaintance who, every election day, posts on Facebook a demand that people vote and “pics or it didn’t happen!” I am passionate about voting and I never skip it, but who is he to demand to see a picture of it? Yes, of course I can just ignore it, but the whole thing annoys me. Another reason I am better off spending way less time on Facebook.

      • debomill Says:

        In my state (Texas), ‘persons are not allowed to use mechanical or electronic devices to record sound or images within 100 feet of the voting stations.’ Not even poll watchers, not even security cameras. (Which doesn’t mean no one demands pictures, but it just has to be a picture of you wearing an “I voted” sticker afterwards.)

      • nicoleandmaggie Says:

        I’ve been when they’d tell me to put my phone away when I was checking email waiting for DH to finish!

  3. First Gen American Says:

    A whole post dedicated to childish activities adults should try would be fun. Years ago, before kids, I hosted a slumber party but it was all adults. Some people went all out with their pajama choices. It was super fun.

  4. Maya Says:

    Patriarchy does suck–moxie is yet another classic double bind. Did you see the clip on the internet where the woman is about to cross the finish line of her marathon? https://x.com/Poppy_yyyyyyyy/status/1792979395809845373

    I thought Ok Go music video was a clever link to the idea of getting somewhere the weirdest way possible. Before I clicked your link, I thought it would be their song with the Rube Goldberg machine (I forget the song title).

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