Let us love your links

This is really gross: poor people go in a separate door.

Girls’ intellectual lives.

Racism in preschool.

Call me, Ishmael.

Donna Freedman and wealthy people who think you should live on less.

We love Kristen Bell’s work, and here she is as Mary Poppins on the minimum wage.

These signs have been around the internet, and I like #10.

Potential OTHER books about middle-aged Harry Potter.

This mug is great and useful.

Interesting nonfiction about warning fatigue (beware your dog?).

So I’m a woman and I see this.  A young woman could think, If I get into STEM I’ll make $0.86 for every $1 a man makes, plus I hear the climate is hostile. Why would I keep going in STEM?  (Obligatory women need more money link.)

We support Prof. Jennifer Freyd’s editorial: Official campus statistics for sexual violence mislead

This is what it looks like when we try to do things these days…

19 Responses to “Let us love your links”

  1. Leigh Says:

    I think I’ve done okay with money in STEM so far. What I want really is for the climate to improve. I have a hard time working on the pipeline anymore because I’ve had such a crappy time with the climate.

    Have you seen the companies revealing their diversity data? Twitter, for example, has only 10% women in technical roles. Terrible.

  2. Comradde PhysioProffe Says:

    I always lose at least a half a fucken hour when you link to Buzzfeed! “20 Reasons Why Buzzfeed Is A Fucken Horrible Time Waster”

  3. Rosa Says:

    I think the numbers for women’s salaries are skewed upward because they measure the women who stay. I had a roomate with an engineering degree who left the field entirely because she refused to take jobs that offered literally half what the exact same company offered male graduates she knew from her own program.

    • nicoleandmaggie Says:

      yyyyyyup. So aggravating.

    • nicoleandmaggie Says:

      I actually know this because I’ve been playing with ACS data. They have college major now! So yes, men and women get similar starting salaries *conditional* on getting ‘tech jobs. But women with ‘tech majors are much less likely to get ‘tech jobs. And the salaries diverge pretty rapidly after those first few years.

      • Miriam Says:

        That’s interesting data (about women with ‘tech majors being less likely to get ‘tech jobs) because the refrain from tech companies about diversity is that the main problem hiring women is not enough women having degrees. I already didn’t buy this for a number of reasons, but data that an issue is happening at the job offer point is yet another reason not to buy the claim.

  4. sophylou Says:

    hey, thanks for the link love!

    Where are the Ginny Weasley Potter books? “Ginny Potter Tries to Pretend She Hasn’t Heard the ‘Boy Who Lived’ Story 8 Million Times Already”

  5. bogart Says:

    On a light note, here’s an oldie-but-goodie on the warning label issue: http://stuff.mit.edu/people/dpolicar/writing/netsam/warning_labels.html

  6. sophylou Says:

    Whoa, looks like Inside Higher Ed picked up on my blog post via y’all. Was not expecting this much attention to that particular post. Thanks!

      • sophylou Says:

        thanks! I wrote it as a response to a conversation I was having with a friend, and I had figured she’d be the only person interested in reading it! ;)

      • nicoleandmaggie Says:

        It was fascinating. And that series of books about the girl archaeologist is so cool! I almost went and ILL’d them. If the uni library had had them I would have checked them out.

      • nicoleandmaggie Says:

        Plus I think it really struck a chord with the stereotypical young academic. Like, we can remember being like that.

        And at the same time, they used to have intellectual conversations in girls’ magazines? There’s a lot of fascinating stuff in there.

      • sophylou Says:

        I actually read all the Dinny books when I was a grad student, and wondered WHY THERE WEREN’T BOOKS ABOUT SMART GIRLS HAVING FRIENDS/BOYFRIENDS WHEN I WAS GROWING UP BECAUSE JEEEEEEZ!!! I am definitely aware that I am writing about my younger self with this project ;) They are in print here: http://imagecascade.com/dinny-gordon-series-set-by-anne-emery.html They aren’t great literature, but they’re so NOT what you’d expect. I literally was up until 2 am reading the last one because I honestly couldn’t tell if she’d go on her trip or stay with her jerk boyfriend. The moment in Senior when she FINALLY realizes what an abusive ass her boyfriend is being is so oddly cathartic.

        And yeah, the Seventeen stuff is so surprising. I’m hoping to present it at the Society for the History of Childhood and Youth, and feel like I could just happily do a reading of “queer theorists as teens’ writings in Seventeen” instead.

      • nicoleandmaggie Says:

        Your blog is just so cool.

        Some of Barbara Michael’s (aka Elizabeth Peters, aka Dr. Barbara Mertz) stuff from the 70s has that same flavor. Strong intellectual women in romantic suspense novels.

      • sophylou Says:

        ooh, thanks! I got a comment that I need to moderate with another recommendation for a novelist too, this one writing about girls in biology in the preWW2 years. More fun reading!

      • sophylou Says:

        and thanks for the compliment on the blog! as someone who felt like NO one would ever read her dissertation, it’s fun to be working on a project now that people seem really interested in!

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