Link Love: Protest on Monday, Call/Fax your MOC this weekend

President Trump went full Fascist this week, declaring a fake state of emergency to steal funding for his wall from other projects, and we need to protest this assault on democracy.  Yes, I know (hope, really, don’t know for sure because who knows anything these days) that the courts will probably put a stop to this eventually, but we still need to take action because if we don’t, he will keep pushing the limits, and the next thing may not be stoppable.  Congress needs to do their job to prevent him from destroying the country.  He is only able to do this because he is being enabled.  Mueller is not going to save us.  We have to save ourselves and future generations.  Bustle is providing an updated list of what to do.  Events for Monday are still being planned and posted, so if you don’t see one nearby on this website, check back later.   Here’s the 5calls script.  Because it is a 3 day weekend, it is likely that the voicemails will fill up.  You can send a fax for free from this website.

I can’t believe that it was only earlier this week that we found out about Bezos, the National Enquirer, the Saudi’s, Trump, and the Blackmailing of US Democracy.  If you missed it, the Enquirer, a huge supporter of Trump, tried to blackmail Bezos with dick picks.  Bezos, being a billionaire and well on his way to a divorce, wrote about the blackmail instead of succumbing to it.  But if they’re doing it to Bezos, can this also account for a lot of the Republicans who suddenly turned around to back whatever crazy fascist thing Trump wants to do?  It’s not paranoid to connect those dots.

Florida detention center expands, packing in migrant children “like sardines”

Contractors building Trump’s wall in TX are ALREADY DESTROYING a butterfly refuge.

Field notes from an ethnographic description of school shooter training.  It’s pretty awful.

23 black female scientists who changed the world

Books to check your white privilege

We have racist GOP ranked members and GOP members meeting with Holocaust deniers, but pundits and (d) leadership micropick at Illhan Omar even if they don’t know what she meant.

Harassment in the D&D development community.

The DIY divorce

If you inherit retirement accounts, you may be required to take minimum distributions while you’re still young.

Manage money anxiety

I thought she could have gone a little farther with this from the RE side (I don’t think the FI part is very MLM-y, but boy howdy does some of the Retire Early crowd exist this way):  Why the FI movement sounds like MLM

Financial blogs/forums for the Prius millionaire

Object oriented programming concepts

How to be alone by lane moore book review by captain awkward.

This thread on Vivienne Westwood’s 1994 line, or no officer, I don’t know how my wealthy husband died, is brilliant.

2 Responses to “Link Love: Protest on Monday, Call/Fax your MOC this weekend”

  1. crazy mama, PhD Says:

    Ooh, that is a great link about object-oriented programming. Most coding references seem to be terrible at explaining things.

  2. Blogging Recap & Reflections: What a Year! - One Frugal Girl Says:

    […] Grumpy Rumblings: Why the FI Movement Sounds like a Multi-Level Marketing Scheme […]

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