More of DH’s stress baking

I can’t believe I haven’t done one of these posts since June! My uploading says there have been 64 items, though a few of those tell the story of DC2’s birthday cake or are different angles of the same item (I have deleted some of these). Still, there’s a lot of fry breads and other daily things I didn’t get pictures of.  When we’re eating these things I think I can’t possibly forget what they are, but then months pass and… I kind of do?

Buckwheat strawberry shortcakes from Pure Dessert. It was good, but no better than most strawberry shortcake recipes. We actually liked the buckwheat shortbreads better without the cream and strawberries. (They were good together, but better separately.)

Bagels from Bread by Treuille and Ferrigno. DH says, “nice standard bagels” and DC2 notes that zie “loves them.” These are genuine bagels complete with boiling water.

Some kind of meringue, but I’m not sure if it’s one from Pure Dessert or just one we made using the standard overnight kisses recipe to use up leftover egg-whites. I love meringues but they’re really too sweet for my metabolism to handle, so I either have to drink apple cider vinegar after or just not partake (or feel icky).

Some kind of bread… don’t remember what…

More bread!

More breads!

Yet another mystery bread.

This is a fry bread! Using leftover starter.

Scones from Pure Dessert.

I’m guessing bread?

A half recipe of Brownies from the Barefoot Countess. They are dense, rich, chocolatey brownies with a deep flavor enhanced by powdered espresso. Usually we only make them for company, but DH had a hankering and its been a long time since we have had company.

Strouds cinnamon rolls from Cooks Country magazine. These are incredibly sugary and buttery. You roll them in cinnamon sugar butter before baking and then you pour cinnamon sugar sludge over the top after they come out. I preferred without the sludge, but the kids love it. DH notes that these were more of a pain to make than expected.

Banana bran bread from an internet recipe. We had leftover bran from DHs bran muffin cravings. I liked it! It was not too branny and made the banana bread seem heartier than standard.

Pane de ramerino, aka rosemary raisin bread from Bread. I liked this a lot. DH says nice and the rosemary is interesting but to try the variation with figs and almonds.

DH had a day off and made this amazing brunch item from Simple by Ottonleigh. The bottom is brioche from Pure Dessert which we have decided is our favorite brioche by far, then it is baked with a seasoned butter. Then topped with seasoned roasted portobella slices, fresh basil, and a poached egg. These were to die for. I love him so much. DH, not Ottonleigh, though Ottonleigh does have a special place in my heart these days.

Brioche from Pure Simple. Our favorite of our … 5? brioche recipes. Probably because it has the most butter of all of them and is thus difficult to over bake.

Chickpea Spice Bread from Home Baking. This was really good with a complex flavor that includes bay and cinnamon. It was non-trivial to make, and took about 3 days with rough timing between rests.

A full picture of the Chickpea Spice Bread from home baking during its final rest– after all that work we had to wait to eat it!

Marie! The baguette! Actually: Pain Ordinaire from Bread. It was inoffensive and very good with jam.

I wanted to cry this one was so good. Those dark olive-like things are black grapes. This is schiacciata con l’uva from Bread. It tastes like a combination of Christmas and summer. Sweet but not too sweet, all around wonderful with raisins and grapes and fennel and brown sugar. So amazing.

DH had two grant proposal deadlines in short order. I think this is the only shot of those muffins to the left that are actually biscuits. He says it was just an online drop biscuit recipe.  (Usually we do drop biscuits from the old fashioned cookbook.)

Double chocolate chip cookies, but I’m not sure where the recipe came from.  He says it’s his standard recipe from when he was perfecting chocolate chip cookies back in grad school (but with some of the flour swapped out with cocoa powder).  Those were good times.

Overnight kisses with chocolate added. DH does not recommend putting chocolate powder in a meringue recipe, instead look for a meringue recipe that has cocoa powder in it.

Anise “bagel” from Home Baking (I think), but they’re really more like a cookie than a bagel. They’re a lot like the anise ring cookies you can get from some European bakeries, but with a bit more chew and a tiny bit less crunch.

This is a slice of cardamon cake from an online recipe. It is very one-note cardamon, but I really like cardamom, so…

I think this is a bran muffin.

Cornbread with cheddar and feta from Simple

Another shot of the Cornbread from Simple.

An irish soda muffin. (Not sure which irish soda bread he used– we have several that we like)

Herb fritters from simple

Some kind of misshapen bread that was still delicious.

DH accidentally made 10lb of rye bread. This is one five lb boule.

We made these in August… we think they were savory empanadas using pie dough and some kind of leftover stew.

smores cookies from cook’s country magazine

schiacciata con le cipolle rosse e formaggio: schiacciata with roasted red onions and cheese. This made two enormous schiacciatas. They were yummy and had great flavor and texture. Also I think they were beautiful.

DC2 requested a chocolate mint cheesecake for hir birthday. DH got this far with an online recipe and then I took over. (Really, he did all the hard work. But… this did not at all look like the picture online even without the green food coloring.)

Flattened out the “rosettes” then sprinkled andes mint bits and placed strategic andes mints and a single mint oreo (leftover from the crust) in the center.  Sometimes simpler is better. DC2 was very happy.

Another plum tart, but this variation has sour cream and sugar on it, so it’s a bit cheesecakey.

vanilla cupcakes with chocolate frosting (for DC2’s minecraft party– we dropped them off at houses)

Fig and thyme clafoutis from Simple

Cordon rose banana cake from The Cake Bible.  I really enjoyed the flavor contrasts– sweet and tangy.

Another version of the Cordon rose banana cake from The Cake Bible with a citrus glaze.  We liked the chocolate frosting better.

I’m guessing… bread?

More challah.  My notes say, “DH’s grant wasn’t even discussed so he made challah”

Because sometimes you just want challah. You know?

Mixed berry pie. (Made at the same time as the next bread.)

All my notes say for this bread is, “DH has been very stressed out.”

Pound cake from pure dessert, but I’m not sure which one.

I’m not sure what this is. Carrot cake? But surely I would remember carrot cake…

Grand marnier cake, I think from The Cake Bible.

Panforte nero from Pure Dessert, which is really more like a candy. It’s super chewy chocolate fig with nuts. Not actually that sweet. It lasts a long time and is very Christmassy.

Plum tart from Home Baking.

I’m pretty sure this is a raspberry rhubarb crumble from an online recipe.  The grocery store had rhubarb which I LOVE and is rarely available.

We’re blanking on this one, but we’re going to guess that it’s bread. DH’s guess is that this is a stromboli, possibly from Bread, but with WW or rye flour instead of all purpose.

I mean, this is an apple cake, but which apple cake? Some kind of apple upside down cake. Oh, June, you are so far away. Our memories are far away.

We’re thinking this is some kind of cinnamon bread. What kind? Who knows! Summer is but a fleeting memory.

This is beet bread from Simple. I LOVED it.

Have you been continuing quarantine baking?

36 Responses to “More of DH’s stress baking”

  1. Michael Nitabach Says:

    Everything looks amazing! Especially bagelz!

  2. Steph Says:

    So much deliciousness!

  3. jjiraffe Says:

    Wow, this is truly impressive. It’s like you live at a fancy bakery!

  4. Natka Says:

    This is so cool! A naive question here… does baking truly help your husband with stress?

    I’ve been stressed (along with most of the world, obviously) and snapping at kids and husband. Exercise doesn’t help much. Walks don’t help much. Now I am wondering if baking could end up being therapeutic and help with anger management :) Also, I am much, much nicer after I eat (especially hearty bread… or anything with dark chocolate).

    Seriously – love the breads. Beet bread – I have never heard of that and need to try it, like, tomorrow!!!
    I try to bake something at least once a week… I’ve held steady for most of the COVID madness (some ups and downs here and there, depending on life).

    I hate the cleanup, though.

    It looks like your husband uses a mix of on-line recipes and cookbooks… Any recommendations for tried-and-true bread books (especially sourdough) for amateurs?

    Thanks! These pictures were so much fun to look at this morning!!!

    • nicoleandmaggie Says:

      Well, it helps him. And in the past I’ve found kneading to be relaxing (but that was in a world with less stress– I’m past the threshold of baking helping me).

      Bread by Treuille and Ferrigno has a lot of explanation of different bread-baking processes and a number of their recipes involve a starter and they explain how you can modify any recipe to use a starter in the intro. I got a copy for my sister because it explains so much. (There are multiple editions– we have the 2004 one.)

      If you’re into whole grain only breads, The Laurel’s kitchen bread book is the one you want. It explains how whole grain breads being thirstier means they are treated differently. I’m sure at least one of those mystery breads listed is a bean bread from Laurel’s.

      I should probably do an ask the grumpies on all our baking books and explain about them in detail.

      Simple by Ottolenghi (where the beet bread recipe is from) isn’t a bread book, but it does have some quick breads in it. So far we’ve been astonished with how good a lot of the recipes are. For example, there’s a Kale and Spinach recipe in there that we had this weekend that you would have thought would be meh and taste bitterly healthy but I just cannot get enough of it. Somehow, without any sugar, it manages to be sweet(!)

  5. solitarydiner016 Says:

    This is amazing! Now I want a carb-baking partner.

    • nicoleandmaggie Says:

      Ha! Though maybe you could outsource just the baking part? I think there are women in our town who will bake and deliver for money even though they don’t have store-fronts.

      • solitarydiner016 Says:

        But then I have to go out and pay money and justify buying all those carbs! If I had a carb-baking partner, I would have to eat the carbs to make them feel happy and loved. (Not that I’m against carbs, just that there are limits to how much I will purchase on my own, and it is less than 64 items in 4 months.

      • nicoleandmaggie Says:

        ROFL. I’m certainly sold. : )

  6. rose Says:

    ABSOLUTE FABULOUSNESS. Exactly what I needed this morning to keep on holding on. THANK YOU.

  7. Revanche @ A Gai Shan Life Says:

    What a BOUNTY.

    THOSE CINNAMON ROLLS. I have been craving them beyond belief but I can’t find an easy enough recipe that is sugar free and keto or low-carb AND delicious. I might just have to buy and eat the real thing and suffer the consequences, at this point.

    When I can, cooking and baking is such a great stress reliever. Not only is it somewhat hypnotic and not thinking about the world, life, work, household stuff, it ends up being useful anyway.

    • nicoleandmaggie Says:

      Those particular cinnamon buns are WAY too sweet. The kids liked them a lot…

    • Debbie M Says:

      For your sweet roll craving, you might want to try cinnamon roll bread. I’m too lazy to go find my recipe, but this one looks right. It’s just regular sugary, carby quick bread, but you may be able to modify it, or modify a recipe you already have. So much faster than cinnamon rolls! And not the same, but it helped me when I had a craving. And I liked it just as much without the glaze on top, which quite surprised me.

  8. accm Says:

    Looks great! I’ve kept up baking maybe a little too much, to the point where the kids are little surprised if there’s no cake in the house for dessert. Also I got 2 litres of buttermilk a couple of weeks ago because the store was out of 1 litre containers, so obviously something had to be done about that.

    • nicoleandmaggie Says:

      It is a bit overwhelming put all out like that.

    • Debbie M Says:

      Yes, that is an amazing amount of work documented here. My condolences about all that stress.

      I’m wondering if home-made meringues could be made to be less sweet, but still delicious to you. Also, maybe you could drink the apple cider vinegar *before*.

      Favorite quote, “I’m guessing bread?”

      • nicoleandmaggie Says:

        I could drink acv before I guess, but it’s so bad for my teeth…as are meringues! given that they’re just egg whites and sugar it’s unlikely they can be made enough less sweet.

        Thank you for the condolences…He is still baking quite a bit. :/

      • Debbie M Says:

        It is interesting what people do when they are stressed. I once met someone who did housework–awesome. Me, I don’t do anything cool. But at least I don’t get drunk or beat people up (um, oops, except in pantomime and in my head), uh, nevermind. Okay, better: I’m fantasizing about Texas turning blue. Hang in there.

      • nicoleandmaggie Says:

        I used to do housework back when I didn’t have kids. But now there’s no point because things just get messy again right away and that causes more stress.

  9. Jenny F. Scientist Says:

    I made a batch of oatmeal raisin chocolate chip cookies this week and then ate them all myself.

    I also made grape pie from the muscadines I grow. It was delicious (as long as you like grapes).

    Your spouse’s baking looks very delicious.

  10. Jenny F. Scientist Says:

    P.S. Now I have an immediate need to make panforte nero.

  11. First Gen American Says:

    Wow. I want to eat every thing on this list. How do you not weigh 10,000 pounds?

    The problem with at least 3 household members (me, my mom and youngest) is we have serious portion control issues, so we have to save this kind of stuff for special occasions.

    Reading Dune for the first time and loving how the Freeman have self control as one of their core features of toughness. I am tough as nails but definitely could use more food discipline.

    I find that home cooking is something I value as a contributing to being good parents. So many people’s fondest childhood memories revolve around a specific food item that grandma made. I want some of that too.

  12. Fairy Queen Says:

    I don’t like cook so much but my husband is the chef of our home and he makes bread and buiscuits, and pasta ( we’re italian) an so many food. All this food is not only for us but on Sunday we go to relatives and eat all together. So all food is eaten and we enjoy to stay there. All your recipes are delicious :) Have a good weekend :)

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