• I was so excited when they told us our insurance would cover “maternity care” with us only having to pay one $30 copay.  Turns out it only covered the DOCTOR.  The HOSPITAL is still deductible (bigger this year!) + 30% coinsurance.  Apparently actually giving birth isn’t considered maternity, although the doctor being there to catch it is…  So unexpected bill for $1200.  Which is still less than what DC1 cost us 5 odd years back.  Another reason I’m glad we did natural childbirth (saw the cost of an epidural while I was trying to figure out why we were getting this bill) and only stayed one night instead of two.  However, if we’d known, I woulda been able to set up an FSA for a 25% discount.
  • DC2 is so adorable.  I could totes gush.  Very bright eyes that we’re thankfully starting to see more of during the daytime (not just night).  Ze LOVES baths, especially getting hir hair wet.  Ze is a gross-motor junkie and still does the crawling reflex during tummy time.  Ze has also broken the family record on rolling over.  Ze is also way ahead on the pooing curve, but DH mainly has to deal with that.  Sploooort.
  • DC1 has gotten over the doting grandparents being gone and is back to hir delightful regular helpful self.
  • Apparently my breasts are a bit overactive this time around.  One side drips and the other side keeps going down the wrong tube for poor DC2.  DC2 is a bit of a chunk.
  • Speaking of nursing and eating, I’m back to my pre-pregnancy weight after less than 3 weeks.  Hungry babies are awesome.
  • Some people are just bad with money even though they make more than we do.  Hint:  if you make more than we do (and we make reasonable amounts if you include our partners’ incomes) and live in an area that costs less that where we live and haven’t had a major uninsured medical trauma or nasty divorce … we don’t want to hear your complaining about being broke.  Especially when you then also talk about the stupid purchases you’re continually making that are contributing to you not being able to pay down your high interest debt.  We don’t actually care if you’re in debt, we just want you to not complain about it if you’re not going to fix it.
  • I had always wondered if it was true that sweet potatoes would explode in the oven or microwave if you failed to poke them (like with a fork) first, but was too afraid to try it out.  Turns out it is true, and partner had no idea you were supposed to poke them.  He knows now.  Although only 2/5 that he put in actually exploded.  Myth confirmed!
  • There’s a new spamming system that keeps giving really awesome comments on our posts… until I realize they’re just copying things I’ve said and reposting them as their own.  Well, technically they’re still great comments, but they get deleted anyway because nobody here needs to buy silver.
Posted in Uncategorized. Tags: . 14 Comments »

14 Responses to “RBOC”

  1. Que Sera Says:

    Yuck on the bill. I shudder to think how much mijo’s delivery would have been if it wasn’t covered. Sounds like you have a good age difference between kids. Glad DC1 has returned to normal and DC2 is wonderful. Be sure to eat a lot to maintain your weight. I’m starting to lose weight now. Last time I lost too much. I guess I just have to ramp up my food intake and try to enjoy this time when I can eat what I want and more.

  2. becca Says:

    “nobody here needs to buy silver.”
    Wait, NO?! I thought EVERYBODY EVERYWHERE needed to buy silver!
    If you had silver, you could totes trade it to the hospital to pay the bill. It’s in the Bible.

  3. MutantSupermodel Says:

    Chunky cute babies that are not mine are the best babies in the world :P

  4. chacha1 Says:

    There’s a classic “failbook” in which someone complains about being broke and the message closes “sent from my iPhone.”

    Congrats on healthy baby and all things good. :-)

  5. Holly@ClubThrifty Says:

    “Some people are just bad with money even though they make more than we do. Hint: if you make more than we do (and we make reasonable amounts if you include our partners’ incomes) and live in an area that costs less that where we live and haven’t had a major uninsured medical trauma or nasty divorce … we don’t want to hear your complaining about being broke. Especially when you then also talk about the stupid purchases you’re continually making that are contributing to you not being able to pay down your high interest debt. We don’t actually care if you’re in debt, we just want you to not complain about it if you’re not going to fix it.”

    I don’t care if someone is broke either….just don’t complain about it while also rationalizing ridiculous spending on items you don’t need. I’m so sick of nodding and smiling that I just cannot do it anymore.

  6. Comradde PhysioProffe Says:

    I would like to point out that some of those bullet points were not “crappe” but good things. Those are Random Bullets of Cake?

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