Questions from Mados

Mados gave us a Leibster award and asked:

  1. If you were to do a research project (no limitations, all resources provided), what would be its title and subject area?
  2. Do you have a formal degree/education – and what is it?
  3. What is the worst job you ever had, and why?
  4. If you had the chance to travel to another planet and return, which planet would you go to (not considering risk and travel time)?
  5. If you and everybody you knew were to leave Earth on a generational spaceship and never return, which 3 words would best summarise your feelings about life on Earth?
  6. Who is your favourite author?
  7. Have you ever thought of starting, or actually started, your own business – or undertaken freelance work?
  8. What is your preferred balance between solitude and socialising (including with close family, but pets don’t count) – as a general ‘rule of thumb’, in percent?
  9. How do you prefer to socialise most of the time – Online or Offline?
  10. Has blogging helped you to develop as a person or change your life in a positive direction?
  11. Which advice would you like to give new bloggers?

That’s a lot of questions.


1.  “#1’s thoughts on taste-testing ice cream and gelato throughout the world”
2.  PhD
3.  High school internship doing data entry for a geneticist.
4.  I’m fine with Earth, thanks.
5.  Wet.  Skies.  Ground.
6.  How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?
7.  I do freelance work when it gets offered to me, which is generally a few times a year.  I don’t usually seek it out.
8.  Depends on if you’re counting work or not.  Without work, 10-20% outside the family.  Including work as socializing, more like 50% outside the family.  If the family counts as socializing then 95%.  I like my family.
9.  I do most socializing online these days, but it depends on who I’m socializing with whether I prefer IRL or online.
10.  Blogging gets me to think deeply about some things I only think shallowly about.  Don’t know if that is good or bad.
11.  Dude, it’s just a blog.  Also:  People who blog about being neurotic get more neurotic so they have something to blog about.  Don’t succumb to Sandra Tsing Loh syndrome.


  1. If you were to do a research project (no limitations, all resources provided), what would be its title and subject area?  “How long would it take #2 to become bored if her only job was to lie around and read novels in between naps?  Followup: How much money would then be necessary to make an academic position comfortable again?”  These are empirical questions.  (#1 pokes in… ooh, I changed my mind, I want the latter!)
  2. Do you have a formal degree/education – and what is it?  Ph.D.
  3. What is the worst job you ever had, and why?  When I worked in a cubicle at a normal desk job.  It ossified my brain.
  4. If you had the chance to travel to another planet and return, which planet would you go to (not considering risk and travel time)?  Can I pick a fictional planet?  Because the ones around here seem a little short on restaurant options.
  5. If you and everybody you knew were to leave Earth on a generational spaceship and never return, which 3 words would best summarise your feelings about life on Earth?  Down With Patriarchy.
  6. Who is your favourite author?  *Brain asplode*  Too many answers!
  7. Have you ever thought of starting, or actually started, your own business – or undertaken freelance work?:  oh, heck, no.  I am not a businessperson.  I’m not averse to some freelance work if it comes to me; I have neither the time nor the inclination to search for it, and no time to do a lot of it.
  8. What is your preferred balance between solitude and socialising (including with close family, but pets don’t count) – as a general ‘rule of thumb’, in percent?:  Dude, I am so introverted.  I prefer to spend lots of time alone with my partner, and some time alone by myself.  I like to hang out with friends occasionally, a few times a week.  My family all live very far away (except my partner).
  9. How do you prefer to socialise most of the time – Online or Offline?  Depends on with whom.  Often, not at all.
  10. Has blogging helped you to develop as a person or change your life in a positive direction?  Uh… not really.  I guess accountablogging is helpful but I don’t do that much of it.
  11. Which advice would you like to give new bloggers?  Make sure people can leave comments in a non-irritating way.  Patrol for spam.  Please be interesting.  Capital letters are your friends.  I refuse to read anything that has 1 sentence and then a cut tag; you have to put at least most of it on the front page or I won’t go further.  No ads, please.  (#1 adds:  Centering all your text does not make your blog cute, just annoying.  Also, #2 has adblock, so you can ignore that part about ads– she won’t know.)

So now, gentle and grumpy readers, help us think of 11 new questions to ask!  (Also, feel free to add your answers!)

20 Responses to “Questions from Mados”

  1. eemusings Says:

    What fun!

    – Not a researcher, but my areas of interest lie in social issues, I suppose – privilege, poverty, class and gender issues. So something along those lines.

    – Communications degree, journalism major

    – Worst job… Working at the movies – usher duty was easy, but serving at the counter (tickets and drinks/food) was nonstop and awful. I was also terrible at remembering what movies were R rated and therefore needed ID checks before selling tickets. Eep.

    – Dunno, the one with rings? Saturn? Or if it can be fictional, the one with all the robots from Isaac Asimov’s universe (the exact name escapes me right now)

    – Life on earth: messy, raw, beautiful

    – Favourite author? What cruel, unusual punishment is this?!

    – Yes, but I’m not real good with ideas. I’d be good at execution if someone could come up with the right business idea. And yes, freelancing is easy in the editorial field.

    – Solitude about 80 percent, socialising 20.

    – Hmm. I socialise more online and like it that way. You can dip in and out that way, not so much with in person stuff.

    – I think so – helps me keep a record of what I’ve done, and accountable.

    – New bloggers: stick at it, and be yourself.

  2. NoTrustFund Says:

    #3- I agree- working in a cube was the worst for me, too.

    #8 I feel like this has changed since having kids. Or maybe it’s just that my kids provide lots of together time so I appreciate/ need the alone time. In other words- I used to think I was a total extrovert, now I’m not so sure.

    One question I love, but may not be appropriate for anonymous blogs- how did you meet your spouse.
    And best place you’ve traveled.

  3. Cloud Says:

    I like the “Dude, its just a blog” advice. Worst job… hmmm… I think it was working the concession stand at a movie theater. I couldn’t get the smell of popcorn out of my hair. And people assumed I was an idiot and said the most insulting things. But still, as such things go, not a bad worst job.

  4. becca Says:

    When I was a wee snarklet, somebody had the audacity to ask me what my favorite book was. I responded pretty much as #2 did to question 6., but I wish I thought of #1’s response to question 6.

    My research project would be “the role of of the early microbiota in epigenetic programming of the Toll-like receptor/autophagic pathways of innate immune response”. And that of course would be ALL THE SUBJECT SUBAREAS (i.e. microbiology, genetics/cell biology, and of course immunology). *wistful sigh*

  5. Linda Says:

    Ideas for questions:
    If you could have the sensory perception of one animal for a day what would it be? (Examples: eyesight of a raptor, scent perception of a canine, whale sonar, etc.)

    What is the most annoying question you’ve ever been asked? ;-)

  6. MutantSupermodel Says:

    Love #1’s answer to the authors question. Need to borrow that!
    I would love to study families. Where do the differences really appear? Is it marital status of the parents? Is economic standing? Is it racial? All that stuff. I’m kind of obsessed with families lately :(

  7. Mados Says:

    Thanks for the great answers!

    What is Sandra Tsing Loh syndrome? I googled it, so now I know who Sandra Tsing Loh is, but I couldn’t find anything about the syndrome (I do figure that it isn’t an official medical condition, but I thought someone else would have used the expression too since it sounds cool).

    Good point with the shortness of restaurant options on nearby planets. Hopefully the situation will improve over the (very, very, very… trillionth very) long term, but so far I don’t think ‘search for good restaurants’ is even part of the search for Life in Space. So I guess you are right… Earth is the best holiday destination around here.

    • Mados Says:

      shortness = I meant shortage.

    • nicoleandmaggie Says:

      Sandra Tsing Loh syndrome is what you get when you write about being a neurotic train-wreck and become even more of a neurotic train-wreck in order to have something to write about. Apparently you have to keep coming up with more and new train-wreck stuff or you run out of ideas. (I know this sounds horribly mean to Ms. Loh, but given that her train-wreck-ness involves doing horrible things to her family and writing about what she did in the national media, blaming them, it is really difficult to feel even the least amount of sympathy. Also she’s a financial wreck and talks about all the ways she’s proudly defaulting on her radio show.)

      It’s much better to pick an aspect of yourself that you *like* if you’re going to be writing about it a lot. Alternatively, you can write about a lot of different things and not just your navel.

      • Mados Says:

        Aha. Thank you for the explanation. I didn’t pick that up about Ms. Loh in the Google search (the horrible stuff), just that she changed education track from physics to liberal arts against her family’s desire or something like that.

        It’s much better to pick an aspect of yourself that you *like* if you’re going to be writing about it a lot. Alternatively, you can write about a lot of different things and not just your navel.

        I think I can fit a lot of different things into my navel;-)

      • nicoleandmaggie Says:

        Huh. No, the horrible stuff took years of writing about herself to ramp up to. I especially hate it when train-wreck people write about their kids and things that will affect their kids.

        I only ever seem to have lint in my belly button. I do try to keep it clean though!

      • Mados Says:

        If you keep talking about it without specifying what it is, then I will become so curious that I will waste some of this beautiful afternoon searching for the ugly stuff on the Internet!

      • nicoleandmaggie Says:

        the cheating on her husband divorce thing is particularly dramatic

        but she’s full of trainwrecks, it is seriously not just one thing

        I had to keep turning off the radio on the way to work for a while because our local station aired the Loh down and she was short-selling her house, something that was everybody else’s fault.

      • Mados Says:

        Thank you. Now at least I have some more keywords to google so at least it won’t take long to browse it up;-)

      • nicoleandmaggie Says:

        sandra tsing loh “train-wreck” didn’t come up with anything?

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