Grumpy Rumblings 2023 Year in Blogging

Can’t believe another year has passed.  Let’s look at some stats!

Traffic is down again compared to last year.  Posts are up a bit (206 this year compared to 203)), and comments are also down.

These are the posts that got the most views in 2023:

Four of these are from 2023 and recent!  Liberty Tabletop has come back after not being on the leaderboard in 2022, but otherwise we seem to have disappeared from search algorithms.  It looks like views were driven by DC1’s college outcomes and my kind of cruddy year in terms of larger family stuff and career.

According to our stats, here’s another five of the most popular posts from 2023:

More traffic on the college/my miserable year posts.  And one about a vacation we may never take…

Top referring sites were (same sites but natural scientist and academic jungle swapped places– particularly remarkable because only bardiac and delagar post regularly!):

Most visitors came from The United States. Canada & the UK came next.  Germany is inching up even more.

Our most commented post was Delurk for us today!  (note to self for next year:  this stat is now hidden under “insights” which is now a tab on site stats) (Thank you previous self!  Also, self next year, it’s been further hidden in the comments part– you have to scroll down and change to comments by posts and pages where it says comments by authors) (Thank you, again, previous self!)

I can’t get the most active commenters for the year, only for what appears to be all time.  So what I’m doing is looking at how many pages of comments each person in the top 6 (which is all they show) gave this year (each page has 20 comments) :( These were the most active commenters of all time, sorted by the number of comments in the past year, but I may be missing newer active commenters or regulars who have changed the email they login with over the years.

1.  Revanche@agaishanlife 8 pages
2.  CG 7 pages
3.  First Gen American 5.5 pages
4.  Debbie M/debomill 5.5 pages
5. Jenny F. Scientist 5.5 pages
6.  delagar 4 pages

Revanche is the winner this year, but CG is starting to sneak up.

Yay Revanche!  This means you get to tell us where to donate the proceeds from our most recent month’s sales (plus a bump because amazon sales are really small these days).   Either tell us and link up in the comments (if you want more exposure) or email us at grumpyrumblings at gmail if you want it to be more secret-like.

Any blog commentary or highlights from the grumpy gallery?  Also, congratulate Revanche in the comments.  :)

7 Responses to “Grumpy Rumblings 2023 Year in Blogging”

  1. Linda T Says:

    I hadn’t read the cutlery post before but really enjoyed it.
    I think mine is mostly various styles of Oneida. Some of which I got as small sets. And a lot I got from Betty Crocker by sending in the little coupons from products and a small amount of money.
    I find it interesting how my tastes have changed over the years in which style I like more. But I still enjoy the heft of the pieces and the stackability. Funny, I never thought about the name of how nicely they stack. It is an odd thing that is very enjoyable.

  2. Revanche Says:

    Woo! It was close this year! :)

    I would really love for the donation to go to the One Spirit organization that I work with to help the Lakota people in South Dakota. I focus on getting food and warm clothes to people directly through their Okini list (stories like this get me all the time: and they have a lot of good programs to help the folks on the reservation, like the Charging buffalo house:

    Thanks as always for being here and sharing your thoughts.

  3. CG Says:

    Thanks for keeping up the blog! I always appreciate your posts. Happy New Year!

  4. First Gen American Says:

    I think you are the only blog I go to regularly anymore from my original list of favorites and that’s because you still post regularly. Thank you for your dedication to keeping interesting content flowing. It does continue to enrich my life, as we are hitting many life stages about the same time.

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