RBOCareer (and also Captcha and Candy)

  • Why is captcha so obsessed with finding motorcycles?
  • I had a flyout with a school that would be best described as a “fixer-upper.”
  • There are a lot of reasons not to take that position if offered.  But the one thing that really stuck out isn’t the department’s fault at all.
  • There’s a part of the country that votes Blue but isn’t actually Blue at all.  I thought I had a good handle on all the different regions of the US but turns out I was wrong!
  • I learned the term “PWI” on a tour of the campus.  (“What is PWI?” I asked, after the tour guide mentioned they were one. “Primarily White Institution,” she said, adding, “most of the black students choose to go to the HBC in our system.”)
  • The Uber driver on the way back also said that integration never works because minorities always choose to self-segregate.  I said maybe, but how much of it is choice and are they getting the same quality of education?  If it is a choice and the education quality is the same, then it isn’t.  But that’s a big if.
  • I went to a talk on segregation academies the other week.  They still exist and they’re still… PWI.
  • Also got asked to interview for the deanlet position.
  • One of my friends (in another department) basically told me not to do a long list of unprofessional things when at the interview.  I was both amused an insulted.
  • My department head has, in the past, told me I should interrupt older white men less.  (I don’t interrupt junior faculty or minority faculty or women or basically anybody who doesn’t do repetitive multi-minute monologues.)  I told said head that I’d done a cost-benefit analysis.  Nobody has brought it up since I became middle aged.
  • Someone from the dean’s office has started putting a large bucket of monster sized candy bars and bags of chips in the break room every Friday morning, courtesy of the dean.  Including payday which I really like.  I HATE this.  I end up spending my entire morning thinking about them and losing willpower and if I do indulge then I keep thinking about going back and getting more.  I should not be eating candy at ALL (insulin problems) and I’m also at the age where I don’t need empty calories.  Other people do obviously eat the junk food because its gone by the end of the day.  I need to work from home on Fridays, I guess, but I can’t entirely because I have office hours.
  • Nobody else really likes Payday because when I went in around lunch (3 hours after I’d eaten my own lunch trying to avoid getting junk food), there were still three Paydays and a small bag of spicy chips left.
  • I took a Payday. I may have to start refilling my water elsewhere on Fridays.
  • When I went back 3 hours after that, the bowl was empty.   So if I wait long enough someone will eat everything I like.

19 Responses to “RBOCareer (and also Captcha and Candy)”

  1. First Gen American Says:

    We visited a dated school like that. It did impact our decision to go there despite the school’s good reputation. Literal leaky roofs, engineering equipment from the 70s. Sounds like parts of upstate NY or VT.

    The food lack of self control is infuriating to me. I understand completely. My brain knows how important it is to my long term health and I still have bad days. Keep fighting.

    • Wally Waffles Says:

      I work at a large, renowned, private, well-off university and we have buildings on campus that our new president refused to enter because he thought they were unsafe. That is ridiculous for a private university.

      • debomill Says:

        I worked at a large “flagship” state school, and when I first got there, the building across the street from where I worked was finally getting to the top of the list for repairs. Other buildings kept jumping ahead until finally it was too broken down to repair. Eventually, they razed it and started over, giving it some new rich donor’s name. Ever since then I’ve determined that if I ever donate to a university, I would ask that it go to maintenance or some other more important non-glorious need of their choice. (Before then, my fantasy had been nap rooms. I don’t think they exist, but couldn’t they be cool?)

        The low status of repair and maintenance doesn’t just apply to buildings either. The software I was working on was rebuilt instead of improved (omg, so much boring testing and begging to include all the required features). I’d thought it was to get it off the mainframe, but no–the new system also used the mainframe (so they’re going to have to re-do it again!!), but you could only access it through the internet. I decided making a new system looks better on your resume than improving an old system.

  2. Wally Waffles Says:

    I love paydays (salty and sweet!) and have myself convinced they are healthy bc of all the peanuts (i.e., protein!). 

  3. Anonymath Says:

    I’ve heard, but cannot confirm, that the reason my captchas are all transportation related (bus, motorcycle, bike, stoplight, bridge) is that the data we provide is also being used to train driverless cars.

  4. CG Says:

    My beloved (really) MIL comes for dinner once a week. She likes to bake and understandably doesn’t want to just bake for herself so she almost always brings us dessert. Guess who cannot resist eating 10 cookies or bars or whatever? Me. I love her and I don’t want to tell her not to bring us sweets, but it kind of stinks because I work so hard to exercise willpower in the grocery store and in my own cooking (and I love to bake, too, and have mostly quit doing it except on special occasions because I have such a hard time eating reasonable amounts of stuff when it’s in the house). I also would like my kids to get the idea that desserts are for special occasions, not just “Thursday” or whatever.

  5. delagar Says:

    For a little while, someone was leaving bananas and oranges in our breakroom. That was great. Now I just take a bag of oranges with me to school every now and then, those little easy to peel ones. It’s cut down on my candy consumption a great deal!

  6. Jenny F. Scientist Says:

    Instead of willpower, I’m deathly allergic to dairy and nobody EVER puts out dairy-free candy. Except non chocolate candy, which is much easier for me to resist.

    • nicoleandmaggie Says:

      I think I’d rather not be deathly allergic!

      Though when I was allergic to wheat (during my second pregnancy) it was a heck of a lot easier to resist anything with wheat in it. But fortunately not life threatening. Because if it was, I’d have had to be hospitalized a few times for accidentally eating it. It’s hard to avoid things!

  7. Maya Says:

    Congratulations on the flyout :)

    • nicoleandmaggie Says:

      Thanks! I’m not sure I should have even applied there… it was a last minute I can research this later kind of thing. They’re better on LGBT stuff I think, but don’t even realize they have a major problem with race (“the races naturally segregate” seems to be a general belief at least among the two uber drivers I talked to). Here we know there’s a major problem but there’s officials who want to legislate so we can’t do anything about it.

  8. debomill Says:

    Yikes on that PWI situation! They probably don’t even know they’re being racist.

    I love your cost-benefit analysis comeback! And yay for benefits of age?

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