Link love for squirrelly April

April makes people in academia lose their brains for busyness.  In this week’s Fc*k the police…

black lives matter - stats

Black cyclists in trouble with the po-po.

Racism interacts with sexism!  Don’t forget the black women.  Black women’s lives matter.

wow (on point)

Myths about women in science.  @femfreq is pretty cool!

Adam Sandler is racist.

Scalzi being tasty-delicious.

Tiny elephant tries to find the rest of a human’s nose.

gamergate is still a thing (aka, what was that whole anne wheaton thing about)

Are you receiving a marriage penalty or bonus?

Dr. Cleveland carefully takes apart the argument that colleges no longer teach Shakespeare.

Skipping grades is ok!

History of artificial flavoring

anxiety and parenting a gifted child

wish I could have seen this

Vlogbrothers for infinite amusement:

One Response to “Link love for squirrelly April”

  1. becca Says:

    The word thing from Vlogbrothers! YES! It is a miracle! And now the words are coming out of my fingers and flying on electrons to you! How is that a THING??!?!

    Anyway. The anxiety and parenting a gifted child thing cracked me up. That kid will be fine in any of those schools, but that Mom needs unschooling like whoa. And to let her kid read 50 shades of grey. That’ll break a Harry Potter addiction.

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